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Circle and Master Class


Visioning Circle, January 22,  in the energy of the first New Moon of 2023 with Lorraine Simone, M.S. Ed. (a.k.a. Deep Arrow Woman)

It’s time to manifest new possibilities and release what hasn’t been serving you.

It’s time to release old patterns of thought and behavior, explore your purpose, passion, power and joy; reconnect with your higher-self to clarify what you truly value in life and CHOOSE IT.

It’s time to gather in community to exponentially enhance your ability to heal, actualize your life goals, overcome fears and self-limiting beliefs, live to your fullest potential and co-create a beautiful personal and planetary future for the highest good of all.

This time spent together in sacred space is light years beyond New Years Resolutions!

“When you start to work on your vision in community, you realize the work will go much further than you could ever take it on your own. One moment when this is obvious is when you speak your visions aloud to another. You may be thinking, “This sounds crazy! How will I ever see this to fruition? Is any of this really possible?” But your partner returns your gaze with absolutely excitement and confidence. He or she reflects back to you “Well, that sounds wonderful. You are more than able and deserving of that. You are already there in achieving your wishes.  And suddenly your vision takes flight. It is no longer a well-kept secret to be guarded close to your heart, but it has been shared with another. It is never quite the same after that. It is a simple, but powerful exchange”.  J.E.L.  2011
