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Manifest Teleseminar

This is a program of written lessons, instructional emails and audio files.  I’ve distilled 35 + years of diverse information on various, proven ways to advance Consciously Chosen Visions into Manifested physical form.  Now the time has come to share it.

I am convinced that conscious and empowered manifestation changes the world, one thought, one choice, one action, one person at a time.  It is such an amazing process to learn and so empowering to practice, especially in community.

In this TeleSeminar you will recognize the subconscious mind as a true spirit ally and employ it to confront self-limiting patterns as Intruders to your success.   You will also hone your skills of Visioning and develop applied practices that transmute your conscious thought matter into desired material matter.  As a community, we can support each other, so together let’s manifest peace, healing, love.  Let’s manifest abundance, joy, strength.  Let’s manifest enlightenment, clarity, harmony, and transform April into a remarkable month of manifesting.

Manifesting is so natural.  We do it everyday — effortlessly.   It’s the gift of Co-Creating that’s quick-fired into our DNA and demonstrated throughout the natural world, especially during this season of hope and new life.  This TeleSeminar, however, focuses on consciously, intentionally and deliberately Manifesting by utilizing this organic gift from Creator that patiently awaits our focused solicitation.   That’s where the “Co” of Co–Creating comes into play.  You’ve heard the old adage,” God helps those who help themselves.”

Conscious and empowered manifestation changes the world, one thought, one choice, one action, one person at a time.  It is such an amazing process to learn and so empowering to practice!
