The Emerald Tablets Solis Clan
What a weekend! Thank you all for your support of this important work and the Encampment weekend that has established itself as a container to keep these Mysteries alive for us all. “Sa Sekhem Sahu Sa” – May the breath of Life and Sacred Might liberate the highest possible outcome for the transfigured, divine human.”
In my 28 years of ET work, I have never had a more inspiring, fulfilling, amazing, successful, expansive, revealing, transformational and enjoyable experience as I did this weekend with the hearty, loving Clan members who were present. Simply amazing! Out of this world expansive! Impossible to duplicate or outdo — ever! On Saturday, our “initiates’ study group” lasted until midnight…reading, discussing, analyzing, absorbing the healing and prophetic works of Thoth, applying them to ourselves, our families, our community and our planet — past, present and future.
We pressed through the Star Gate to the Halls of Amenti and shared re-membering the Lords and Ladies of Light that Thoth talked about in The Tablets. On Sunday, together we celebrated the “call to the sun,” meditated in community, renewed our djeds, refreshed our Clan Healing Bundle, Initiated Stands Strong Woman as Priestess and Michael as Priest of these Tablet teachings. They were transformed before our very eyes. Then I gave the duty of safeguarding our Canopic Jars to Stands Strong and entrusted our Initiation Sarcophagus (like in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Gaza) to Michael.
UPDATE: Patricia is our Solis Healing Bundle Keeper for yet another year. So if you want to request it, contact her at [email protected]. Thank you all for your service.
Sarah, at the risk of embarrassing you, again…my heart – our hearts – are so happy to have your generous and loving heart invite us back year after year. Your land, especially with the loving care of Michael and Paulie, was so embracing and healing and connected us to these ancient teaching in such a profound way, and your meditation room was never so magical as our temple.
So, solis Clan, enjoy working with your Djeds, everyone. If you have any questions or messages from dreamtime or your time in the Halls, send them to [email protected] and I’ll see to it that every member of our Clan is informed. OK?
em hotep,
Deep Arrow
Moonfire Meeting House
1691 County Road 39, suite F, Southampton, New York, 11968
[email protected]
[email protected]
“dedicated to creating a partnership society in communion with the Earth for a sustainable future”