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RETREAT – POTTON QUEBEC CANADA 08/15/24 thru 08/19/24

Email: [email protected]

Retreat weekends are open to all Moonfire and Mystery School women, women who attend Women’s Ways Circles, and those who have sat with me in my various teaching venues, as well as family and friends who would like to spend quality time within a safe and sacred space.

Weekends, whether in Canada or New York, are filled with joy and everything a woman needs to get to know yourself – again.  Retreats serve up an ample supply of laughter, introspection, quiet time, answers to questions you never knew you could ask and have answered, insights into your deepest dreams, and feelings of being truly welcomed,  There are always Circles and presentations; rituals, yoga and dance; great food, beautiful scenery, and a chance to meet and connect with like-minded, like-hearted, fabulous women. Remember, it’s greater when we gather.

You’ll leave the Retreat weekend with “How-to” tools and secrets that are instantly usable and easily applicable in your everyday life.

You’ll feel more self-aware and confident, and experience yourself as the empowered and purposeful woman you are meant to be.  You’ll realize that YOU are the power of change in your life and the world and that as a woman you CAN create the kind of life you want, the relationships you desire, the love you yearn for,  and the health and well-being you deserve.
